Hi all.
My average Christmas break day goes something like this (this is seriously what I have done for the past 3 days):
10:00 - Grudgingly wake up
10:00 - 10:30 - Take a shower/doll up - (This was difficult before this morning because the hot water heater was broken. This meant 30 second showers.)
10:30 - 10:45 - Eat - This generally consists of either a muffin or cold pizza.
10:45 - 12:30 - Play Civilization IV
11:30 - Kick Buster just because.
12:30 - Get pissed when the Romans take Shanghai and decide to do something else.
12:45 - Hop on the bus and see where I end up.
1:00 - Get off the bus somewhere downtown.
1:00 - 1:30 - Walk around quickly so it looks like I have some place to be.
1:30 - Wind up at the Central Library.
1:30 - 4:30 - Find a corner and read War and Peace.
4:30 - Ditch the library when I realize that the walls are closing in.
4:30 - 4:45 - Do more hurried walking.
4:45 - Go into an expensive store and pretend that I want to buy something.
5:00 - Find a dirty lunch cart and buy a burrito or some thai food.
5:00 - 5:30 - Eat my burrito and sit in the rain, wondering what I've done with my life.
5:30 - Consider calling friends.
5:31 - Realize that I have no friends.
5:32 - Think about my friends back in Nampa.
5:33 - Sigh deeply.
5:45 - Ride the #12 back home.
5:50 - Try not to make eye contact with anybody on the bus (they will try to talk to you).
6:05 - Get back home.
6:10 - 6:45 - Browse the internet. This includes checking Alex, Andrew, and the other blogs.
6:50 - Turn on the TV expecting Jeopardy, only to realize that it doesn't start for another 10 minutes.
6:50 - 6:59 - Fume.
7:00 - Happily watch Jeopardy.
7:30 - Turn off the TV.
7:30 - 9:00 - Update my blog/play more Civilization.
9:00 - 9:15 - Scrounge for food.
9:15 - Eat a muffin or some cold pizza.
9:20 - Do some push-ups.
9:30 - Conduct end of day hygiene.
9:30 - 10:30 - Play guitar. Try to write songs. Realize that I have no talent. Curse the world.
10:30 - 11:00 - Lay in bed and wonder what Grant is doing at that exact moment.
11:00 - Sleep soundly.