Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Lent is here

Lent is here. Everybody knows what that means. It's time for Catholics and non-Catholics across the world to give up those unnecessary habits in favor of spending more time praying, reading the Bible, and meditating on the things of God. It is a remembrance of the 40 days that Christ spent in the desert in prayer and fasting, all the while being tempted by the Devil.

What does this mean to me? Well, I thought about giving up cookies or pizza. But seriously, cookies and pizza? Am I going to spend the time that I would have spent eating cookies and pizza meditating on God? Probably not. So what shall I do? Nothing? That is always a viable option. Maybe I'll go to a Catholic church and see what that is all about. Maybe I will go out to the wilderness and just soak in all that jazz. I know: I'll give up the internet. Except for school-related work. And maybe to update my blog and check in on my fantasy team. I've got it: 30 minutes of non school-related internet usage per day. I'll do it.

I'll do it. But I can't do it for the sake of doing it. That won't work. I should do this to better myself. No, not even that. I should do it as a sacrifice to Christ, who sacrificed everything for me. I will have to fill my life with spiritual things then, I guess. I will pray and read the Bible in this time. And I will write Christian music. Not explicitly Christian music, either. No FFH garbage. Not just that. I will try to be a kinder and more sincere person. Good stuff. This is a big undertaking. Anyone else in?

1 comment:

Alex Hackett said...

That's a big undertaking, I wish the best for you. I'm just glad you didn't blog about lint.